Contact Us

We would love to have a chat with you

We are here to assist

Whether your business has feature requests, questions, or complaints, we would like to hear from you.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What payment methods do you accept? accepts bank and credit card payments. We use a third-party service Reepay to gather your payments.

How do I cancel subscription?

Sign in to the members dashbord and go to the “Subscription Management”. Under the current plan click on “Cancel Subscription”. The subscription auto-renewal will be stopped, and your subscription marked as “expired” at the end of the subscription period. After 45 days your account will be deleted unless you sign up for a new subscription.

How secure is trading platform?

We screen every company’s registration to ensure only legit, VAT-registered companies can join the platform. Read more about our safety rules here.

Do you ask for any additional fees during the subscription period? do not request any unplanned fees during the subscription period. Your business can always count on predictable costs with the platform.

How can we get in touch with

Feel free to send us an email to or call us directly at +45 9740 5000. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Our office hours are Monday - Friday: 8:30 – 16:30 (UTC+1).
For other options visit our contact page.